The Feeling Flow

Redondo Beach, CA July 2017

Redondo Beach, CA July 2017


Have you ever noticed that sometimes life just has a flow where everything aligns and there is a peace even when a disruptive event takes place? It’s in that feeling flow that I know life is good. When that feeling flow is disruptive then it’s like an energetic road block has been placed in front of me. In that moment I have to figure out where the blockage is coming from. Belief systems, emotions, fears, and ego all coexist to show us where we can break apart the blockages within to experience inner freedom of that flow.

As I am entering the home stretch of Moon apex YOD and Moon/Jupiter opposition Kite formations I am realizing the feeling flow more and more every day. The moon represents feminine energy, physical home, inner home, emotions, feelings, and nurturing. She embodies the fluid we live and feel by. When the inner waters are a calm flow then life has a calm flow.

This past month in my Lunar Return I had Jupiter conjunct my Lunar Return Moon in the 3rd house. I was gifted the opportunity to understand how my belief system from childhood affects me in the present moment. These childhood events involved boundaries, being in a safe space to openly express my feelings, and power struggles. It was information that I had recognized before while working with the light, working with the dark, and now integrating the information by balancing into a way that is creating an inner peace and flow that I am living out in my life.

The past few months I also have encountered the energy of the moon by moving my physical home, changing the response to my emotions, and nurturing in a new way. With fear, I focused on the physical pain or discomfort within the body. With blocked flow of feeling energy, I had to slow down my life and pull my energy back within myself and sit with it. I had to remove all distractions and focus. I realized that when I had blocked feeling flow energy everything felt like it was pulling on me from the inside. This included people, electronics, and anything that could be a distraction. I felt like I was being pulled in all directions except the one that was aligning to my own flow.

To heal this, I visualized a magnet inside the core in my abdomen. As I inhaled I visualized pulling all my energy back into this core area. I did this a few times until it felt like I was whole and complete and all my energy was filling any available space within my physical body. I noticed a shift in the way I felt and in my thinking process. I felt strong again, connected to myself, and calm.

I wondered if my peeps had anything to say about this so I looked back to the writings from 2014.


The ego is what causes the issues of discontent, unhappiness, and judgement. The basis of all beliefs are connected to the ego and emotions which essentially are the same. The ego and emotions are a fluid vibration on the outside of the physical body that when triggered can cause a reaction within the physical body. When the fluid vibration is triggered with a sad moment it then permeates the body causing tears. When a person is shut off from the world it causes a barrier as not to feel or allow the vibrations within the body. As we make the conscious decision to open ourselves to our true authentic self then we allow this fluid vibration to remain open but without reaction to the physical body. Events will happen which will cause emotional responses but by utilizing the knowledge that the ego/emotions do not have to affect the physical body, a person then can begin to live a life of freedom with easier expansion of higher vibrations.

 This fluid vibration is combined with the person’s magnetic frequency which begins at birth based upon the stars and planets with the sky also known as astrology. This frequency changes over time with the transitory planets, points, and asteroids placed within the chart as they connect in aspects to the natal planets. With knowledge, this change can be an easy transition into the peaceful state of divine within. Everything on the outside is transitory which means nothing will stay the same. The only constant is the connection to divine within. With the understanding, that nothing stays the same and we are here for growth can help aid in the transition from the past beliefs where everyone should follow what everyone else is doing to the new way of living according to your own beliefs and truths.

Begin by sitting in the silence and focusing on the breath which will in turn connect a person within instead of what is happening on the outside. By calming the inner vibration it then forms a protective layer outside the physical body which then can transform the fluid magnetic frequency that of the emotions/ego. What is in the outer fluid magnetic frequency attracts the experiences into the life of a person. Once we are able to separate ourselves from the ego/emotion we are then able to live within the body connected to our soul which is of purity and love. 

I combined my own experience with the knowledge my peeps taught me and I had a profound shift in my everyday life in all situations. I was able to stay in a space of an open feeling flow without guarding myself when it came to my intimate relationships. As I stayed within my inner home, each situation became a positive experience regardless of the outcome. There was no reason for me to have fear or worry because each time I did I would pull my energy back within and the shift would occur making everything feel solid, complete, and whole again. I no longer needed to go outside of myself for answers or make anything happen because everything had a way of magically aligning itself.

These experiences taught me about the feminine energy. It is the true connection of the feminine energy that is taking place within me as opposed to the concept or belief of what feminine energy should be as we are taught from an early age by different structures and institutions. This feminine energy is bold and courageous and willing to go to the ends of the earth to what it believes to love and nurture. It is fearless in speaking truth. It holds an energy and presence that allows another to know what it wants and how it feels. Feminine energy is a presence and flow whereas masculine energy is action and doing. I used to think that feminine energy was an action that had to be submissive and weak. It is no wonder I fought against that concept with masculine energy to allow myself the space and time to understand what it is I believe feminine energy to be. It is of love and she controls the true flow in the world. So simple yet so powerful.

Never Ending Transformation

Mt. Shasta, CA October 2017

Mt. Shasta, CA October 2017


Astrology and past lives can be a taboo subject. Growing up I never heard much of past lives but I definitely believed in Karma. Not sure I understood the word Karma but I did notice an instant action/reaction in my life when I did things that weren’t aligned with truth and integrity. By my 20s I thought twice before taking certain actions because after seeing patterns I knew something would happen in return and not to my best interest. I later learned in Astrology that I am held to high karmic standards because I have a lot of Scorpio energy. That energy says I already past the tests and experiences of life in past lives and now I’m here to share that knowledge with others.

In the past I would have readings done and the reader would bring up the topic of past life and each time I would question how they knew the information. Was it real? How do they know if it can’t be proven physically? With astrology I learned it is possible to prove physically.

I was at a conference in Mount Shasta where I experienced that familiar feeling of knowing someone in the first meeting as if I had known him my whole life. His name is B.

The second day driving to the conference I was told that it was B driving in front of me. We pulled off to park our cars and sure enough it was B. We talked all the way to the conference since the parking was quite some distance from the actual event. The whole time I was baffled like I knew him as if he was my brother and we were seeing each other after a long break.

I asked my peeps who this guy was to me and I was told he was my brother in a past life and that I should ask to read his astrology chart. B graciously agreed and to my astonishment he was my sibling from a past life. In astrology, when a person’s Mercury conjuncts the other person’s south node it then represents siblings from a past life. It was no wonder he felt familiar to me and how could I doubt this was really the case.

The story became more interesting because a year later I was suppose to give B an updated astrology reading. Since the first time we had met I had noticed that it was becoming more difficult to share things with him verbally and it was causing me to feel sick. There was a strain and what felt like a blockage in my throat. Prior to the phone call I knew the information I wanted to share for the most part with the exception that his solar return chart showed that his mother would be passing away. I struggled with the concept and whether I wanted to share the information. People tend to be afraid of information like death and question whether the reader made it happen.

As my peeps have taught me “fear is the lack of knowledge.” Belief systems throughout time have instilled a fear that striving to understand the unknown is taboo and that only institutions and privileged people are allowed to obtain this information. The struggle to speak my truth or remain silent was an issue. My north node is in Sagittarius which says that I should always speak my truth and live out my own belief system for my soul’s growth. I chose not to speak my truth and I became ill with a sore throat and headache.

Feeling sick I had to cancel the scheduled reading. The next day I realized this was a pattern that related to the past life. I asked to see the past life and it was revealed to me in a vision with hills, the woods, red flannel shirt, lumberjack, black kettle over a fire, smooth stones from a stream and the traumatic event of a big bear coming into the yard and ending B’s life. I saw it but a sound didn’t come out of me because the fear had paralyzed me on every level. Mercury in astrology represents siblings but he also represents communication and because B’s Mercury is on my south node it means he will help me with communication in this life time. After the vision I heard that the healing from the past life would involve me stepping into my identity and communicating with confidence and for B it was about the understanding of death. 

That day I gave B the reading I shared the past life and the information regarding his solar return, Mars return, and natal chart. He was mostly quiet taking in the information but I noticed he wasn’t quite himself. The reading was cut short and scheduled for another day. The next reading, he apologized for being off because he had just received news that his mom was diagnosed with end stage lung cancer.

The vision of the past life combined with astrology had proved to be correct. I had struggled to share the information regarding his mom which was the communication breakthrough I was going to experience with him. The energy in his return charts were all about the Scorpio/Pluto energy which is about life, death, and the circle of life.

Being able to experience the past life, this current life, and then his mom passing on allowed me to understand on a deep level that there really are no endings but a transformation of the energy. Life is a constant transformation and it is the holding onto something longer than we should that causes the discomfort and pain whether this is a belief system, person, or event. Only and if we are ready to release and transform can peace and comfort take its place and the actual lesson of life be understood. What if instead of viewing endings as something sad or painful, be grateful for all the blessings and teachings because in the expanded view it wasn’t a true ending.




Creating A Language From The Stars

Iceland 11/10/17

Iceland 11/10/17


0 and 29 degrees are critical degrees in an astrology chart. When a natal planet, luminary, or point lands on these specific degrees, it explains a person’s purpose on a more detailed level. 0 is the beginning and 29 is the ending. The degrees speak of past life familiarity with a purpose to continue in this life to create something new or complete what wasn’t done in the previous lives.

I have Mercury at 0 degrees Scorpio and Uranus at 29 degrees Libra. Although the planets are in different signs they are 1 degree apart. Essentially, they are what is called conjunct. They are united, blended, and work together. They are the rulers of my south node which are the behaviors and talents from past lives that I brought into this current life.

0 degrees says I am starting a new beginning with Mercury’s energy. I am bringing forth some knowledge that is from past lives and have free reign to explore new aspects of Mercury within this life. Mercury’s energy is about communication, language, and sharing a message. I find it entertaining that in this life people would comment on the way I communicate. It was either too loud or too enthusiastic, and never quite “perfect” for whatever the situation may have been.

Having Mercury as my south node ruler says I already mastered the perfection of being socially conscious while communicating with others. In this life I get to speak my truth in any way I choose with the exception of in anger. That used to be a challenge because I would hold back from speaking my truth so I wouldn’t hurt someone else’s feelings. In the end, it only built up pressure and what happens when pressure builds up, it explodes. To help step into my voice I got a voice coach. This allowed me the space to strengthen my vocal cords and connect to my throat chakra. Next step of my journey is to communicate a message.

29 degrees says I am completing the energy that Uranus encompasses. Uranus is about astrology, cosmos, frequency, intuitive foresight, creative genius, and the planet that connects us to our own higher consciousness. This energy is the rebel energy that fit me well for many years. I fought being put into societies boxes and structures that didn’t resonate with me. I rebelled just to rebel because as my south node and BML ruler that is what came natural to me.

During the summer of 2014, my peeps said it was time for me to come to peace with my rebel side. That is when I learned about the Anaretic 29 degrees. It is said to be chaotic, unknowing, and unstable. All signs, planets, and houses in astrology have higher and lower attributes to describe their energy. The Aquarius/Uranus energy could have rebel as a higher attribute but because my south node is in the 11th house of Aquarius being a rebel in this lifetime will not bring me the benefits of soul growth. I was told I had to redirect the energy into one of the other higher attributes.

I chose to combine my intuition and astrology to inspire me to connect to my higher consciousness. From the first day I heard my peeps describe the energy in my astrology chart, they said that I was to never learn a specific type of astrology because we were going to use it in a new way. It wasn’t until I redirected my energy that I was able to truly connect to what they had told me. Currently, I am still in awe of the process we use to help me and others understand ourselves and life on a deeper level.

Like my BML, my 29 degrees Uranus involves emotions and relationships as the gateway because it lands in the sign of Libra in the 4th house. Throughout time I came to the realization that each sign, planet, and house has a process which correlates to a person’s spiritual evolution. It begins with the basic astrological energy that most people correlate with and most astrologers write about in astrology forecasts. The basic energy becomes a doorway that once the person understands, heals, or masters then a deeper energy is available for a person to evolve.

It is like the analogy of an onion in regards to fear, where each layer of the onion represents a form of the fear. Each layer is peeled off when a person understands and heals and turns the fear into wisdom and knowledge. This process occurs until the core of the onion. For example, for the 4th house energy, people tend to think of emotions and the physical home. But on a more advanced level for spiritual growth, that energy is a doorway into the inner home which is the connection to the divine.

To assist me in the process of connecting to my inner home I was guided to a Native American symbol in a book that help slow me down to enter a slower conscious state instead of an emotional reactive state. I used astrology as a tool to time events that would trigger my strong Uranus energy of detaching and rebelling.  The most consistent time was when the transiting moon traveled through the houses of my north node and south node. During this transit period, a person typically is more inclined to react emotionally with the south node beliefs and behaviors. The ultimate goal during this time is to incorporate the north node attributes. This transit can be applied for everyone

I always ask two questions…WHY does something happen and HOW can I transform it? These are questions that represent my Uranus and Mercury. Uranus wants to know why something is the way it is and wants to improve it for the collective group. Mercury is the messenger of the Gods. He brings the answers and solutions from the higher realms. In this lifetime I am creating a new language to communicate with my peeps so they can assist me in my own personal awakening.

Astrology is my primary language. I can understand it on a multi-dimensional level. This language allows me to understand at the mind, body, and soul levels. It is a continual flow of information that can be specific and complex the deeper the information is pulled from the various charts. There is a chart that represents the physical body, mental state, emotional state, commitment, and the list goes on. I am in continual amazement of how all the charts combine to align with events and circumstances for a person’s growth. By understanding the timing and energies I then can align my life with my highest frequency.

Each celestial body in the cosmos is a letter of the alphabet creating words and stories that describe a person’s life.  The various charts for each person align in a way that creates patterns. These patterns are the road map for each person’s individual and unique path for their own awakening. Every choice a person makes connects them with the different frequencies. There are the higher and lower frequencies with the higher frequencies connecting to the person’s true soul path.

Typically, an astrology chart is read in a way that a person will live out the aspects their whole life. My peeps have taught me how to undo the energy until all that is left is the core connection to the creative space within. This is the space of manifesting and creating a life of abundance. A state of empowerment as opposed to a victim of circumstance. The happily ever after of the book of life. The language of all languages that speaks of unity no matter where you are on this planet.

Home Is Where The Heart Is


The moon, 4th house, and the sign of Cancer all represent emotions, the physical home and the inner home. The inner home connects a person to their spiritual world and typically this energy is kept quiet from the outer world. This energy has had a significant impact on my life in the last few years.

I had the first blood moon in April 2014 exactly conjunct my natal moon at 25 degrees Libra in the 4th house. In April 2015 I had a lunar eclipse in my 4th house. On October 2017 the new moon conjunct my lunar return moon exactly at 26 degrees Libra. What does all this mean? It means it was my time to understand what “home” meant to me on a very deep level.

Back in April of 2014, it was a pivotal point in my life. I had moved in with a boyfriend letting go of my comfortable way of independent living and physical home to live my happily ever after. It was a straight up Harry Potter experience that I wasn’t prepared for but a necessary experience to understand life. During the same time the transiting north node was moving through Libra making contact with my natal Uranus and Moon all in the 4th house.

I moved out after a couple of months of living in his home and rented a room. I was left with just basics and no material objects to remind that I had ever lived in my own place. That marked the ending of my physical home and beginning of my new inner home. Stripped down to nothing I started at ground zero. That summer I tuned out the outer world and tuned into my inner world. It was during this time I gained confidence in my ability by listening to my teachers from the unseen world. There was no mistake that what I was experiencing was real and my life transformed profoundly.

Fast forward to February of 2015 I was told it was time for me to go to Asia. I was shown a vision of me going to jail. A snake came in through the bar windows. At first, I was freighted because 1. It was a snake and 2. Because it was a very big snake. I heard my teacher say “become one with the snake”. I did and the snake coiled around me for protection and warmth.

After what was a significant amount of time the snake uncoiled and went through the bars. As it passed through the bars it turned into dust and disappeared. I was free to leave the jail. That same day I researched snake, buddism, and spirituality and I came across Buddha’s 7 weeks of enlightenment. One of the weeks of Buddha’s enlightenment involved Buddha becoming ONE with a snake.

2 months later I arrived in Bali, Indonesia. I was told by my teachers to go to Brahama Vihara Arama Buddhist Temple for mediation every day. Driving up a hill to the Buddhist Temple I saw a tall building being constructed. My heart lit up and at the same time I heard “home”. We pulled into that exact location. I felt at peace and home at the temple.

I spent every day for weeks following instruction from the spirit of a Buddhist monk who had once lived there many years prior. Through meditation he taught me how to connect on a new level to my inner home. This experience and teachings fulfilled my full moon eclipse energy in my 4th house of home.

The recent new moon was at 26 degrees Libra which is my Lunar Return Moon degree in Los Angeles. It is a new beginning for me as I share my journey and experiences that I have encountered in the past years regarding the inner world. The new moon energy aligns with my YOD with apex Moon and 2 kite formations with Moon at the opposition. This combination has brought about an understanding of inner peace and the foundation regarding the growth from the past years on an emotional, physical, mental, and energetic level. It has created a high-level understanding of what is means to be a human and experience life in a spiritual way. It is not a concept but a state of being that can only be experienced through patience and a feeling flow.

In my other blogs I have already spoken about how emotions affect the mental body based on belief systems, emotions affecting the physical body creating discomfort, and how emotions are a gateway to the spiritual creative space. Now I understand emotions and feelings at the energetic level. In the stomach area is an energetic center called the solar plexus. This energy source is a place where a person connects with other people and spirit.

As a medium, every night I power down my chakras so that I can have a peaceful night’s rest without being sensitive to other energies. To close this chakra down I imagine in my stomach area a big bright sun shrinking down to a candle flame. I also use this technique when I am oversensitive to energies around me which can be in large groups of people or being in a highly emotional situation. The solar plexus area is where we create boundaries with people and our surroundings.

Boundaries and speaking my truth are part of my growth in this life. When I was younger I had no boundaries, which would cause uncomfortable situations. Then I learned to exert boundaries on the opposite extreme where I didn’t let anyone get near me or cross lines. When that didn’t feel right anymore I tried to say no by being kind and soft. People didn’t seem to take it serious and would do exactly what I said no to. My response was anger because I couldn’t understand how someone would continue an action I had set a boundary to. I knew I had to figure out a way to say no and have the person feel and hear my truth.

My peeps told me it was how I used my solar plexus energy. By utilizing the same technique I used to power down I was able to control the output of energy when responding no. Most importantly I realized this was the connection space to others.

I used the reverse technique to power up to stay open and connect at a feeling level in situations where I would typically feel frozen or shut down. I stayed within the feeling flow and when there is feeling flow within the solar plexus then the energy could move up to the heart chakra. Like my peeps said I should always be at a minimum of the heart because this is where love, compassion, and understanding reside.

I have come to realize that astrology has layers and a process every step of the way to connect to a spiritual way of living. It is the journey that creates the understanding of these layers and processes not the end result. The layers and processes always begin with a doorway which is an energy on the simple material level that anyone can relate to. Once this energy is understood and mastered then a person can walk through the next door into a more spiritual realm of the energy.

Every astrological sign, planet, and house contains this layering system. This system opens up blockages within that allows the energy to flow freely and easily. This flow of energy can then keep life in a constant flow of connection with people and manifesting. When the energy is flowing freely, a person can stay within the heart space of peace and love and I am not talking about the hippie version. I am talking about the real grounded you have control of the actions, feelings and processes every step of the way.

Anybody can experience this and have the free will of how they want to experience, when they want to experience, and how ever many times they want to go in and out of the process until they are ready to move through the next doorway. With that I say, find the courage within you to open up to new possibilities by having courage to understand your own path and doorways.


Home Is Where The Heart Is Part 2

Starting In 2012 I began finding hearts everywhere. This heart was found in Redondo Beach on my walk.

Starting In 2012 I began finding hearts everywhere. This heart was found in Redondo Beach on my walk.


This was written summer of 2014 as I listened to my peeps. I now realize it validates what I wrote in part one and it is what I am experiencing currently. Back then it was a concept but now it is an-every moment conscious decision in my living experience.


Home is where the heart is as the saying goes. Home is the place we feel the most secure and comfortable. This home may be a land, a place with family, or a physical building. What the saying is really trying to say is home is where ever you are but if you are in the heart space then you are home because the heart connects to divinity. Stay connected in the heart and will not matter where you live or with whom you live with because in the heart there is always peace. Breathe peace within the heart space and everything seems to work out fine. Finding peace within does not need any outside connection for peace within is a connection to a higher source. The purity and love that come from divinity is unlike outer material satisfactions because the connection to divinity is an inner feeling. Staying within your power keeps the connection strong. Therefore if you give your power up then it can impede upon the connection and then inner imbalance can take place. The attempt to overpower people and situations also causes an imbalance because it does not flow with the universe because force due to lower emotions are being applied. Staying balanced within your power allows for an even exchange between the universe and the connection within. Understand that force is not needed to manifest or to be a leader. Stay within your power, create healthy boundaries, and breathe peace into the heart space. If an incident is causing irritation, take the time to understand why and where the growth can take place within the scenario. Familiarize yourself with the different emotions to know where the root cause is coming from because ego is like a tape recorder and will insist on playing the same scenarios again and again until the conscious effort to realize and move through the energy takes place. Living in the moment can help alter the tape recorder of the ego because it does not allow for past traumas or memories to be played in the present moment or for future worry or fear to interfere. Breathing deeply into the heart space can be a reminder that this moment determines what will happen in the next. Being fully present in this moment can have a profound effect on relationships because there is no referring back to old relationships and there is no fear about the future. Connect to the nonlinear time to stretch out the energy in the present space. The space will become more vivid and have a different, lighter density. Changing the vibration within will then change the vibration on the outside. This vibration can then change the dynamic of a situation or of people. It can transform the energy but the person must be willing to change their own vibration. That is why it is important to have a strong aura which can help in creating loving spaces. Our inner world is transferred through the aura. Therefore, the strong and bigger the aura, increases the ability to shift the energy wherever a person may go.

  1. Heart beat

  2. Breathe peace into heart space

  3. Strengthen aura

  4. Stay within power

keeping the inner energy strong within the solar plexus. The solar plexus is the in and out source of energy between the inner physical body, the outer physical world, and with the other realms. Keeping above the conscious level courage then calms the solar plexus which then a person can remain within the heart space. All lower emotions below courage are within the chakras from the solar plexus on down to the base chakra. Stay within the heart which then leads to inner happiness and joy because that is where the connection to divinity resides.

  1. Breathe into solar plexus calmness

  2. Slow down breathing to make the solar plexus heavy

  3. Push the energy from solar plexus down the body into the earth

  4. Heart beat

  5. Breathe peace into heart space

  6. Strengthen aura

  7. Stay within power

This technique may be used for all emotions associated with each chakra. Each process will follow with the heart because this is the final place and connection to peace and joy.

Earth School And The Big Test

This life we live is all about timing the energy and aligning according to our highest frequency. This alignment is like Earth School. Astrology lays out the course work or classes we will be taking in this life. Once we are here on Earth, our classes are set.  Our choice is how we respond to our homework or avoid it. Each test is a graduation into the next level.

I feel like I’m writing my thesis for my PHD. All the studying and test taking of the past is aligning in a way that unfolds my true purpose of existing on earth. The difference with Earth School from academic school is that it’s hands on and every decision and action affects the outcome instantaneously.

Today there is a grand square in my natal chart with Uranus squaring my ascendant and descendant all while opposing transiting Venus which is conjuncting my natal moon. Grand squares in transits or in a return chart are about change of letting go what is to begin anew. This change affects my identity, my relationships, the home, and my career. This grand square is in cardinal signs and it involves my natal cardinal energy based on houses. That means I am about to begin my journey of completing my PHD that I didn’t finish in a past life.

The energy of cardinal signs also says I have to step into my true soul identity and maintain this within the energies above. This energy will be present in my solar return chart which means I have one year to understand this class. The solar return is a chart that is calculated from one birthday to the next and describes the energy that will be played out within the year. To add to the mix, my solar return has the sign of Scorpio and Taurus in the 1st and 7th house intercepted. This grand square and interception is saying that I have to make the conscious effort to change my life or disruption will take place.

Grand squares are a type of energy that will create a lot of action that will feel like I am being pulled in many directions. I already encountered this energy this past spring and I epically failed. I get to take the class a second time and apply what I learned from the first time. I learned that I needed to bring the energy within me so that I could direct it one direction at a time. All the stress and fear caused me to have adrenal exhaustion. There is nothing worse than to feel like your life is in survival mode and falling apart all while having zero energy to fix it. I will be allowed a third class in case I fail again or to use the energy in a way that will lock it in for optimal growth. It is very important that I pass this class within this lifetime.

My progressed chart

My progressed chart


Knowing I have to change I am making the necessary adjustments so that it can be a smooth process. A change in life is not only about physical but also includes the emotional and energetic connections. It is about releasing what no longer works and replacing with something new that can benefit a person’s life. So many times I tell myself what it is I want to let go of but anything that goes has to be replaced with something new. It is important to have intention of what is replacing the old because this is how transformation works. This is the Scorpio/Pluto/8th house energy of death, rebirth, and transformation.

Whenever I know big change is on the horizon I always look for Saturn. He is like the head master of the school and the planet of tests and karma. He will let a person know if they are on track with the maturing process of succeeding in this earth school we are attending. This next year in my solar return I have Saturn inconjuncting my natal ascendant and semi-sextiling my natal descendant. He will be keeping me in check whether I am asking for my personal wants and needs to be met in my relationships as I step into my true soul’s growth.

When I originally wrote this blog, the energy was set up in my chart to shift 2 days later. I was single at the time. The next day my love partner contacted me and we resumed our relationship. This is the beauty of knowing my personal astrology chart. I knew the energy had to bring someone into my life because that is where my growth is within this moment. I have been independent for the last 8 years and now my next part of the journey involves another. Following the spiritual path as an individual is easy but to add another person to the mix is a challenge because spirituality involves staying true to an individual’s growth as opposed to the matriarchal belief system we are taught.

As an individual it is easy to make decisions and execute them because it only involves one person. As a team, there is the communication of speaking and listening with final decisions being made together. Saturn is transiting my natal 6th house which is the house of cooperation, sharing, every day work, and alternative healing. This further explains what energies will be involved in my test taking.

The rules of my test consist of squares, oppositions, and an inconjunct. Typically, in astrology these are considered difficult aspects because they can create stress and uncomfortable situations. My peeps taught me that any situation with stress or uncomfortable feelings is an opportunity for growth and to use the energy in a way that will benefit the growth.

In the past, I would see how these aspects would affect my life in a negative way. As usual I would say WHY and HOW can I transform this. I learned to take the energy in the chart and to be proactive instead of waiting for the energy to make me change. By understanding the signs and houses that will be affected, I could see where in my life the energy would take place.

Squares are a 90 degree angle between celestial bodies or main angles within the chart. A square creates tension for change. It is when a person resists change that this energy is felt in a “negative” way. This aspect can be used in a positive way when used proactively. The energy can be used as a sling shot flying past all blockages and to receive positive results with personal goals.

An opposition is a 180 degree aspect. It is just as it says with the two energies straight across from each other. An opposition is about balance. It is like being on a titor tator with finding the right balance to even both people out. In transit, this energy is perfect for bringing healing and balance. The transiting energy will activate the stationary degree if it is out of balance. By understanding the astrological energies involved a person can be an active participant in their own healing to bring the energies back into balance or to use the energy in a way that can benefit an intention or goal a person is attempting to accomplish by using the higher attributes.

The inconjunct is a 150 degree aspect. An inconjunct is about redirecting, adjustment, and diverting. This energy will never be healed or understood in the outside world. It is redirected, adjusted, or diverted within. It is like seeing a situation differently with each eye. By going within and blending the two views of each eye a person can recreate one new vision with both eyes working together. It is literally sitting with two energies and blending these energies like a marriage. This aspect is one of my favorites because I love the process of shifting my belief system and literally seeing something in a brand new way.

I never was a fan of academic school but I have to say I am loving earth school the more I understand what it is I am here to do. Life has become more interesting and exciting like an adventure. It doesn’t mean I don’t have moments where I want to give up or become emotional. It just means I don’t have to stay stuck in an emotion for years or to keep living out patterns that aren’t fulfilling. I now feel empowered to be the director of my life all while fulfilling my soul’s growth.

Photo taken at The Blue Lagoon in Iceland. After coming back from my trip I realized that I had a pentagon in my chart which is the same shape as my arms in the photo.

Photo taken at The Blue Lagoon in Iceland. After coming back from my trip I realized that I had a pentagon in my chart which is the same shape as my arms in the photo.